
Advertisement Rescue 112 Jobs

Advertisement Rescue 112 Jobs

Looking for career opportunities? AJK Emergency Service Rescue 1122 in Muzaffarabad, AJK Pakistan has advertised for a variety of positions, including driver, river diver, diver’s assistant, and security guard. For more information, see the advertising that ran in the daily Ausaf newspaper on May 3, 2024. Candidates with an intermediate or primary education are desired.Exciting government job opportunities in AJK Emergency Service Rescue 1122 are currently available in Management and other sectors until May 15, 2024, or as mentioned in the newspaper advertisement. Visit our website to see the full advertisement and discover how to apply for the most recent employment openings with AJK Emergency Service Rescue 1122.

Rescue 1122 ( BPS-01 TO BPS-11 ) Jobs 2024


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