
Advertisement ABL Allied Bank Limited Latest Jobs October 2024

Advertisement ABL Allied Bank Limited Latest Jobs October 2024

Young, intelligent, and ambitious people are being offered new job possibilities by Allied Bank Limited as Business Development Officers (BDO) at its locations around the country. For fresh graduates hoping to begin a career in banking, this program is developed. Applications are open to both men and women, with a focus on promoting participation from people of color and those with disabilities.Eligible candidates hold a 4-year BBA Honors degree, an MBA, an MBIT, an M.Com., or a Master’s in Banking, Finance, or Business.

An added benefit is a dual major in digital banking or information technology. Although not required, previous experience might be preferred. Thirty is the maximum age limit.Interested parties can fill out the online application form by visiting the portal.

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ABL Allied Bank Limited Latest Jobs October 2024


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